Developers Guide ################ .. include:: ../../../CONTRIBUTING.rst .. _testing-label: Testing ======= The rastrea2-server project implements a regression test suite that improves developer productivity by identifying capability regressions early. Developers implementing fixes or enhancements must ensure that they have not broken existing functionality. The rastrea2-server project provides some convenience tools so this testing step can be quickly performed. Use the Makefile convenience rules to run the tests. .. code-block:: console (venv) $ make test To run tests verbosely use: .. code-block:: console (venv) $ make test-verbose Alternatively, you may want to run the tests suite directly. The following steps assume you are running in a virtual environment in which the ``rastrea2r_server`` package has been installed. If this is not the case then you will likely need to set the ``PYTHONPATH`` environment variable so that the ``rastrea2r_server`` package can be found. .. code-block:: console (venv) $ cd tests (venv) $ python -m unittest Individual unit tests can be run also. .. code-block:: console (venv) $ python -m test_basic .. _test-coverage-label: Coverage ======== The ``coverage`` tool can be run to collect code test coverage metrics. Use the Makefile convenience rule to run the tests. .. code-block:: console (venv) $ make check-coverage The test code coverage report can be found `here <../coverage/coverage.html>`_ .. _style-compliance-label: Code Style ========== Adopting a consistent code style assists with maintenance. This project uses the code style formatter called Black. A Makefile convenience rule to enforce code style compliance is available. .. code-block:: console (venv) $ make style .. _annotations-label: Type Annotations ================ The code base contains type annotations to provide helpful type information that can improve code maintenance. Use the Makefile convenience rule to check no issues are reported. .. code-block:: console (venv) $ make check-types .. _documentation-label: Documentation ============= To rebuild this project's documentation, developers should use the Makefile in the top level directory. It performs a number of steps to create a new set of `sphinx `_ html content. .. code-block:: console (venv) $ make docs To quickly check consistency of ReStructuredText files use the dummy run which does not actually generate HTML content. .. code-block:: console (venv) $ make check-docs To quickly view the HTML rendered docs, start a simple web server and open a browser to .. code-block:: console (venv) $ make serve-docs .. _release-label: Release Process =============== The following steps are used to make a new software release. The steps assume they are executed from within a development virtual environment. - Check that the package version label in ```` is correct. - Create and push a repo tag to Github. As a convention use the package version number (e.g. YY.MM.MICRO) as the tag. .. code-block:: console $ git checkout master $ git tag YY.MM.MICRO -m "A meaningful release tag comment" $ git tag # check release tag is in list $ git push --tags origin master - This will trigger Github to create a release at: ::{username}/rastrea2r_server/releases/{tag}